Stewardship 2023







Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Our church is a vital and active outreach center for the greater Greensburg community!  We continue to reach others with the hope and love of Jesus Christ.

The incredible privilege to be the church - in these days of confusion and chaos in our culture-- enables us to provide a calming influence to those around us as we offer faith-based responses to current life situations. 

This is why we are here--to be the church of Jesus Christ, serving our Lord with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness--making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!  As members of this church, we seek to worship God passionately, to love others extravagantly, and to witness boldly within the world around us. 

God's Word emphasizes that giving is a gift for us, not from us.  We are most like Christ when we give, since He is the ultimate Giver!  And if becoming more like Jesus is why we are here, then giving is really a blessing and a privilege for the giver. 

Remember:  we have been blessed in order to be a blessing to others!

~ Pastor Kevin





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As we all work together as a church family at LIVING OUR VALUES in 2023 and beyond, we ask that you read over the information in our stewardship brochure, prayerfully consider what God is calling you to do with the ways that He has blessed you in your time, your talents, and your treasures, and complete the cards.  

Together, we are ALL IN as we set forth to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known!




Contact Information

First United Methodist Church
15 E. 2nd Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone:  724-834-3111
Rev. Kevin Haley, Pastor

Sunday School & Small Group Studies

Sunday School Classes
at 9:00am, ages 4 - adult 
