Food Pantry  


Thank you to all the volunteers who give their time to assist with this misison.  Once again we need volunteers on Fridays to help.  If you would like to help and relieve some of our workers, now and then, that would be great!  We also have some non-contact jobs to be done, if you'd like to help that way.

Greensburg First United Methodist Church holds a Food Pantry the second Friday of each month.  Our pantry will be held outdoors in the parking lot adjacent to the YMCA.  We ask that clients remain in their cars until a Food Pantry volunteer signs them in and directs them across the street.  Food will come pre-boxed from the Westmoreland County Food Bank and will be loaded into client cars for clients.  We ask that you please be patient as we make needed adjustments during this time for the safety of clients and volunteers.

If you are a new client, please contact Delmont Food Bank for Westmoreland County at (724)468-8660.   You will need to provide the following information:

       - Photo ID

       - Proof of income eligibility (usually your Access card or SSI paperwork)

       - Proof of residency in Westmoreland County (a utility bill or invoice with your home address and name on it.) 

If you live in an apartment building that pays all utilities and such, you will need to provide a dated letter from the building administrator that confirms your residency.  

Contact Information

First United Methodist Church
15 E. 2nd Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone:  724-834-3111

Sunday School & Small Group Studies

Sunday School Classes
Adult Sunday School at 9am.
