Relaxed Readers Book Club

Book Club

If you are a reading buff, we would like to invite you to join our discussion.

We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at the Greensburg Eat 'n Park at 12:00pm.  If interested in joining, please contact Olivia Graham at 724.420.5614. 

Books are provided by Greensburg Hempfield Library, located at 237 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Greensburg.


 We meet next on February 5th.   We will be discussing "A Spark of Light" by Jodie Picoult.  Diane Miller will lead our discussion.  Hope to see you there!  

Contact Information

First United Methodist Church
15 E. 2nd Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone:  724-834-3111

Sunday School & Small Group Studies

Sunday School Classes
Adult Sunday School at 9am.
