Music Program


Greensburg First offers a number of ways for the musically inclined to get involved. The Chancel Choir sings each Sunday morning as well as on special occasions and for other services. Our Handbell Choir plays monthly, as does our Children's Choir. We also enjoy several ensembles, along with the impressive sounds of our pipe organ.


If you would be interested in singing or playing in our music program, contact our church office or our director of music, Fred Pershing.


Chancel Choir

We are always seeking new voices for Chancel Choir.  The choir provides special music each Sunday during the 10:00am service, as well as special occasions. 

Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7:30 under the direction of Fred Pershing.


Bonnie Ross Ringers Hand Bell Choir

Under the direction of Jim Caffrey, the Bonnie Ross Ringers handbell choir performs at least once each month and on special occasions.  New members are always welcome.

Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm.


Transformer Choir

The Transformer Choir is our children's choir.  Rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm.  The children perform on specially selected Sunday's throughout the year.  All children ages 4 to 5th grade are welcome.


Contact Information

First United Methodist Church
15 E. 2nd Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone:  724-834-3111

Sunday School & Small Group Studies

Sunday School Classes
Adult Sunday School at 9am.
